For Departmental IT

BSD Security Tools Description
Vulnerability Management* Our Vulnerability management program and how to report vulnerabilities.
Logging and Threat Management* How to forward your logs to our syslog collector and to see if your department is supported.
System Hardening* Minimum security standards and benchmarks for your device to follow.
IT Services – Baseline protection of end user devices Basic security information that all users should follow.
Cyber Security Assessment Tool (CSAT) A page that details a repeatable and measurable process for BSD departments to measure their cybersecurity preparedness over time.
IT Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) Tool Details the GRC tool and related training documents.
BSD Security Assessment and Authorization (SAA) How to request a review of your systems to make sure it is safe.
BSD Incident Management Contains information about the incident management program and how to report incidents.
Hardware-Encrypted USB Flash Drives Different types of encrypted usb flash drives, how to get them, and how to use them.