A Group Folder is a special folder that any BSD individual with UChicagoBox access can request on behalf of his or her group, lab or department and is co-owned by the BSD Information Security Office. This means that, once created, the Group Folder will remain active even if the user who requested it changes departments, closes his or her Individual UChicagoBox account, or leaves the Biological Sciences Division. BSD UChicagoBox Group Folders are as easy to use as individual UChicagoBox accounts and are great for the day-to-day management of shared department data.

Understanding what it means to be an owner:

  • When a Group Folder is created for you, you are automatically made its ‘co-owner’. A single Group Folder can have preferably two owners; and ideally should be restricted to two highly trustworthy people.
  • As co-owners, you will be responsible for all content that is uploaded by any user to any subfolder within your Group Folder. Among your most important duties will be to ensure that your highest (top-level) Group Folder has its permissions set up such that only its owners can access it or change its settings. You will additionally be responsible for moderating user permissions and monitoring the content of your Group Folder and its subfolders.
  • If you must resign your ownership, you will be responsible for granting another colleague co-owner access and passing these duties on.
  • After your Group Folder has been created for you the BSD Information Security Office, an invitation to the group folder will appear in your UChicagoBox Individual account. When you accept this invitation, you will be able to configure it for security and to set up permissions for your colleagues.

Create subfolders and manage colleague permissions:

  • You must create at least one subfolder and you must set its Collaborator permissions for your other colleagues.
  • Note that each subfolder you create can have a different permissions set for different colleagues. For example, by following the steps below, you might create a “Managers” subfolder whose files are viewable by your managers only. You might then repeat the steps to create an additional subfolder next to it, called “Staff”, whose files are both viewable and editable by your managers and by your staff.
  1. Create at least one subfolder within your Group Folder (required!).
  2. Within each subfolder, click the Invite People button on the right.
  3. In the Invite field, enter the name or email addresses of all of your colleagues who should have a particular permissions-level for that folder (e.g., Editor, Viewer, etc.).
  4. Select their permissions-level from the Permissions pull-down and click Send.
  5. Repeat #3 and #4 for all colleagues of each permissions-level for each subfolder.